Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hung by the chimney with care....

The responce to Posy Pins has been unbelievable, amazing, and fantastically fun . So many people have been excited about these little pins. Stores have been calling to get more before the big shopping weekend, people have been coming by the house and I have been very busy in the studio. Its all so great. I love it.

Santa has placed several orders, so I hope your stockings are up.

Happy Holidays

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Flowers by mail

Over the years I have sent some pretty crazy things in the mail. If you are willing to go into the post office and ask the clerk to hand cancel your card you can send someone flowers just by popping Posy Pins in the mail. All you have to do is write a note, address the postcard, attach .62 cents in stamps and wait for your delighted friend to call and tell you that was the best piece of mail she has ever received .

make someone giggle, send flowers

Monday, December 1, 2008

A stones throw to metalsmithing

Today I opened the 4lb bag of buttons a bought on ebay, wow.

many great buttons, many large buttons, many stand alone buttons, many many many buttons.

so after all I will have to get out all of that metals studio equipment sooner rather than later and somewhere find lots of extra hours in the day to start fabricating some wearable buttons.

Some ideas take longer than others and lucky for me making posy pins keeps the hands busy so the mind can wander.

All of this button stuff has piqued my interest in button history. I'll have to do a little research just for fun.