Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why its almost like being in love

What a day it has been...
What a rare mood I'm in....

Today feels like spring, the sun was shining and the air was warm and sweet. Posy Pins were lined up for their spring fashion shoot.....and so far a few have made it to the newly reopened Etsy store.

Thanks everyone for being so patient.... this year has really flown by and with Posy Pins receiving national attention through Growing Up Garnet Hill it has really been very exciting. Thanks for buying all of those Posy Pins. I'm sure there have been many complements and smiles.

Well Done....

Posy Pins has big plans, and a few are starting to take shape. This year we are planning to start a limited edition line, and the Pack-it (full of posies) will make it's debut at Etsy April 1..... no fooling. We can't wait to share this new versatile storage option.... Just wait and see......

Why.... Its almost like being in LOVE!

Happy Spring