Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why its almost like being in love

What a day it has been...
What a rare mood I'm in....

Today feels like spring, the sun was shining and the air was warm and sweet. Posy Pins were lined up for their spring fashion shoot.....and so far a few have made it to the newly reopened Etsy store.

Thanks everyone for being so patient.... this year has really flown by and with Posy Pins receiving national attention through Growing Up Garnet Hill it has really been very exciting. Thanks for buying all of those Posy Pins. I'm sure there have been many complements and smiles.

Well Done....

Posy Pins has big plans, and a few are starting to take shape. This year we are planning to start a limited edition line, and the Pack-it (full of posies) will make it's debut at Etsy April 1..... no fooling. We can't wait to share this new versatile storage option.... Just wait and see......

Why.... Its almost like being in LOVE!

Happy Spring

Monday, April 19, 2010

In Like a Lion

March has been fast and furious. Posy Pins is at new levels thanks to all you FB fans and the Women's Small Business Program. Some serious milestones have been met and many more are within reach. Who knew that 2 years ago when Posy Pins started there would be such great and amazing response. Posy Pins is on the verge of a major expansion and I am crazy excited about it... to say the least.

For the last 13 weeks I've been working really hard to complete a business program at WSBP, it has been an amazing adventure so far. Even with all of the bumps and unexpected challenges life throws out, I have managed to send out the first draft of the Posy Pins business plan... Whew.

I had no idea that this would be so amazing and exhausting. 3 weeks and one more draft to go.... at this rate anything is possible. Many opportunites have presented themselves and I guess that just goes to show what you think about expands. Catalogs and samples have been sent to inquiring parties and soon Posy Pins will really start to grow. Thanks for all of the support.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Make a Date

A few weeks ago my girls and I were talking about new ideas for Posy Pins, we all agreed that it would be a lot of fun to have a Posy Pair that would be great for a play date... so the newest addition to the Posy collection is the the Play Date. Two hair pins one big, one small. Perfect for you and your girl, or your little one and her doll.

It just may be time to have a play date

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sealed With a Kiss

One of the weekly engagements I have is to go to my daughter's school and volunteer in the literacy and reading programs. Today as I made the rounds with the kindergartners, a little girl's hair clips caught my eye. They were cute, she wore one on each side of her head and they matched her valentines themed outfit. When I collected her for reading I realized that those little clips were Posy Pins. This little girl and I had a breif conversation about them, I said I liked them she said she liked them too. She looked at the one I was wearing and then I let her in on a my little secret. When I told her I made her Posy Pins a big smile crossed her face....

I've been thinking a lot lately about Posy Pins what they mean to me, where they end up and what our future together will be. I love Posy Pins but sometimes I question their intrinsic value. Its at the times that I question them most deeply that they reappear where I least expect them. That little conversation and the connection between that little girl and I, sharing and comparing our special Posy Pins, reminded me that its the little things that can bring us all together.

What you think about expands.... and today it all came back to me as a great big SWAK!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mapping Happiness

About a year ago a friend of mine bought a single bright red Posy Pin before she went to a conference in Bhutan. She was wearing a great smile of satisfaction when she told me she planned to wear it during her trip. Ironically, after asking her about the conference theme, she said Happiness.

I was thinking the other night after my last post that Posy Pins make me happy. The process of designing them, building and packaging them, and sending them out into the world makes me really happy. And I love that Posy Pins are making other people happy too.

And so the Posy Pins Mapping Project has begun. If you are interested in mapping happiness or Posy Pins' travels please post the cities, states and or countries to the Posy Pins Fan Page on Facebook. You can also track Posy Pins' travels on the map located on Posy Pins Profile in the Travel tab.

Happy Travels!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Posy Pins to the World

A friend of mine and I talk sometimes about the PP Empire....that is the Posy Pins Empire. Its funny how those conversations spark a curiosity about how these sweet little flower pins could evolve and just how they might make their way into the world. That little spark of curiosity gets me pretty fired up I must admit and these conversations generally end in my declaration "Posy Pins to the World".

I love Posy Pins, when I make them I giggle, I smile and think "wow now that one is really cute", "ohh that one is much better that I expected"..... "Ohhh now that one I have to keep"..... it gets a little silly after a while. When I package them up and get them ready to send out, I look at each one and think "gotta love that".

I know why I love Posy Pins.... tell me why you love them and I'll put your name in the Pick a Posy hat....if you have the luck of the draw I send you a pack o' posies!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Love Is In the Air

Its that time of year. Final plans are being made for wonderful warm weather weddings... and Posy Pins will be walking down the isle with at least one blushing bride and her attendants.

Posy Pins can be custom made for your wedding in colors that complement your day. Request Posies in a Cake Box and make your attendant gifts something truly delightful .

Flowers and Cake... that's a true marriage.