Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mapping Happiness

About a year ago a friend of mine bought a single bright red Posy Pin before she went to a conference in Bhutan. She was wearing a great smile of satisfaction when she told me she planned to wear it during her trip. Ironically, after asking her about the conference theme, she said Happiness.

I was thinking the other night after my last post that Posy Pins make me happy. The process of designing them, building and packaging them, and sending them out into the world makes me really happy. And I love that Posy Pins are making other people happy too.

And so the Posy Pins Mapping Project has begun. If you are interested in mapping happiness or Posy Pins' travels please post the cities, states and or countries to the Posy Pins Fan Page on Facebook. You can also track Posy Pins' travels on the map located on Posy Pins Profile in the Travel tab.

Happy Travels!!!

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